Eid Khutbah 1432:
Various Areas Calls for Implementation of
the Qur'an System - The Caliphate!
Moslemworld- "Let us reflect for a moment. Al-Quran Allah has
confirmed the sale and forbidden usury. Now usury, it was used as the backbone
of the economy. Debt usury system in Indonesia in June 2011 reached Rp. 1716
trillion," Thus one of the passage of the Eid Speak in the presence of
Muslims after Id prayers throughout Indonesia from Aceh to Papua by Hizb
ut-Tahrir Indonesia, Tuesday, 30/08/2011.
People who ignore the needy and poor
are called by the Quran as religious liars. In fact, precisely the process of
impoverishment continued and expanded. In Indonesia alone, the number of poor
people who are spending less than Rp 211,726, - per month or less than $ 7
thousand per day, amounted to 31.02 million. Expensive school fees. Hospital
costs also soar.