The Muslim community itself is trying to do its part. We feel that to some of the challenges of discrimination we have to really make it known to people and to tell people what the Muslim community stands for. We need, in some ways, to give them a truer picture is not the sort of images they see every day on television screens and the linking of Islam with people being blown up all the time.
On November 3, the Muslim Council of Britain launches Islamic awareness week in the House of Commons and we have created a web site called a virtual classroom for children and adults to teach them what Islam is all about. Our position is that by making people understand each other, we are more likely to create bridges and to counter Islamphobia or discrimination by taking legal protection.
I think that should make them a bridge of understanding and a lot of work done on that should help. Respect Islam, which is part of the Conference of respect, is a way to celebrate diversity. I would say that as a leader, as someone with influence, we can make a difference, not only by hiding behind the law or with rounded margins, and said we must stay within the law, but to go the extra mile and to ensure that we do relationship and we are offering our trust and respect of the best we can.
Muslim Council of Britain, for example, is a community that is very young and most of us have come from a very diverse area so that the union even more difficult to achieve because we are talking among our more than 100 different languages. This is a very difficult thing to achieve, even internally within the Islamic community, and with all other religious communities as well.
I believe that the capacity issues within the organization, even within the umbrella body such as my own, very acute and high priority reasons why people do not come easily. This is a very chicken-and-egg situation. We submitted a grant, such as linking community grants. However, because there is a lack of capacity within the organization, we are not too au fait in doing the job and the majority worked in volunteer organizations, like myself, who according to all the work after doing a full eight hours a day at work. We do not pay staff.
The Muslim community has a specific problem in that we are not a race and not recognized as a race. Muslims in Britain to cut many different racial divide. There is a Somali, Bengali Muslims, Pakistan, Indian Muslims and people of Albanian, Turkish and Arabic. It is very difficult, therefore, to determine the Muslims as a race and as a Muslim was not until recently been discussed by the shape discrimination laws that make it difficult to identify or to challenge it. Also to date there is no way to measure, easy, the number of Muslims in this country. In the last census has shown that about three percent of the UK is Muslim, and the majority of them are in and around London or in very large cities. Three percent of the UK population means that Muslims so as to form the largest minority community groups and larger than all other religious groups, lumped together. We define ourselves by our faith and faith is something that is a little bit outdated now. It is not too fashionable to be the one to proclaim your faith or religion. Yet that is predominantly Muslim.
We have been working very hard trying to work towards religious laws. Muslim Council of Britain is an umbrella body and the majority of Muslim organizations in Britain affiliated to us. However, we have a fairly heavy task in the absence of legislation. There have been several new laws introduced recently but still have to go far enough to become adults.
Moslem World
The Symbol of Single Moslem Ummah
Saturday, August 27, 2011
US avoids default as Obama signs debt bill into law
President Barack Obama has signed legislation to increase the US debt ceiling and avert a financial default after Congress voted in favour of a bipartisan compromise deal.
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President Barack Obama: "It's an important first step to ensure... we live within our means"
The bill cleared its final hurdle in the Senate by 74 votes to 26. It raises the debt limit by up to $2.4tn (£1.5tn) from $14.3tn, and makes savings of at least $2.1tn in 10 years. The deal was struck after negotiations between Republicans, Democrats and the White House went down to the wire.
The bill's signing came roughly 10 hours before the expiry of a deadline for Washington to raise its borrowing limit. Without a deal to raise the debt ceiling, the US would have been unable to meet all its bills, the treasury department had warned.Speaking at the White House shortly after the decisive vote in the Senate, President Obama said it was "pretty likely that the uncertainty surrounding the raising of the debt ceiling for businesses and consumers has been unsettling".
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Fasting (As-siyam)
As-Siyam generally means “to abstain from something.” For example, a verse in the Qur’an says: “I have vowed to the Merciful to abstain–that is, from speaking.
What is meant here is abstaining from food, drink, and sexual intercourse from dawn until sunset with the explicit intention of doing so (for the sake of Allah).
Fasting, according to Five Schools of Islamic Law by ‘AIlamah Muhammad Jawad Maghniyyah. Translated from the Arabic by Mujahid Husayn From: Al-Tawhid Vol. IX No. 4 April – June 1992
Fasting in the month of Ramadhan is one of the ‘Pillars’ of the Islamic faith.
It was declared an obligatory duty (fard) in the second year of the Hijrah upon each and every mukallaf (one capable of carrying out religious duties, i.e. a sane adult) and breaking it (iftar) is not permissible except for any of the following reasons:
1. Hayd and nifas: The schools concur that fasting is not valid for women during menstruation and puerperal bleeding.
2. Illness: The schools differ here. The Imamis observe: Fasting is not valid if it would cause illness or aggravate it, or intensify the pain, or delay recovery, because illness entails harm (darar) and causing harm is prohibited (muharram).
Moreover, a prohibition concerning an ‘ibadah (a rite of worship) invalidates it. Hence if a person fasts in such a condition, his fast is not valid A predominant likelihood of its resulting in illness or its aggravation is sufficient for refraining from fasting. As to excessive weakness, it is not a justification for iftar as long as it is generally bearable. Hence the extenuating cause is illness, not weakness, emaciation or strain, because every duty involves hardship and discomfort.
The four Sunni schools state: If one who is fasting (saum) falls ill, or fears the aggravation of his illness, or delay in recovery, he has the option to fast or refrain. Iftar is not incumbent upon him; it is a relaxation and not an obligation in this situation. But where there is likelihood of death or loss of any of the senses, iftar is obligatory for him and his fasting is not valid.
People Protecting Property
Islam provides a solution in keeping the country's natural wealth for the welfare of the people.
VOC rule base problem in Indonesia is a new style of regulation. They can freely carry out the action because it is supported by the legalization of the rules in their favor. Especially not a secret if the draft rules of legislation that is now the law is the work of these VOCs.
A tough eliminate foreign domination in the absence of regulatory changes fundamentally. Only question is, is it possible regulation is modified 'against the' dominance while the rulers and representatives of the people have come to feel 'delights' of the regulation? And this is for the authorities is a danger because VOCs can be dropped as it did in the Sukarno and Suharto.
Islamic Solution
There should be a fundamental regulatory changes related to mastery itself. Can the property / goods that dominate the life of the people handed over to individuals or private companies? In a case like this, Islam has a very clear answer. Islam strictly regulate the ownership issue.Islam distinguishes ownership of private property into three namely; public property, and state-owned. Personal / private should not have a public property or state property.
Common ownership include: first, public facilities; includes all facilities required by the public if there is no will cause hardship for the community or the public and can lead to disputes; Second, the mineral in huge quantities. It's haram privately owned. Examples: petroleum, gold, silver, iron, copper, etc.. Third, objects that impede its formation properties to be owned by the person; includes roads, rivers, seas, lakes, public lands, bays, straits, and so on.
Management of common property is fully performed by the state as a representative of the people. The results are used for the prosperity of the people. There is a prerequisite in the management of property / public goods is that as much as possible not to cause damage to both the environment, ecosystems and social.
Prophet Muhammad had adopted a policy to give the salt mines to Abyadh Hammal bin Al Mazini. However, the policy was later retracted by the Prophet after learning that the mine was given to Abyadh bin Hammal like flowing water.
Based on the hadith, allowed individual control of the mine area, if large and small deposit. The results obtained by the exploitation of minerals is subject to khums individual or one-fifth to put in the Baitul Mal (Treasury) as part of the treasure fai.
In contrast, minerals are an infinite number of individuals should not be controlled because it includes common property and the results are included in cash Baitul Mal. Messenger of Allah said, "The Muslim allies in three things: water, pasture and fire." (Abu Dawud). This hadith also confirms, that includes common property natural resources hinder its formation properties of individuals to own it.
Thus, control of natural resources in the hands of the state will not only contribute to the security provision of primary commodities for the purposes of defense and the economy, but also be abundant source of state income on postal property public property.
If such a way as to limit state ownership, there will be no multinational company will arbitrarily entered as VOCs. If the country needed them in a particular case such exploitation, for example, they are just as operators are contracted.
It was still limited by the diplomatic relations between countries. Islam considers there should be no relationship at all with countries hostile to Muslims. Haram make contact with them, including with his companies.
Such arrangements do not exist in the liberal economic system prevailing now. Possession limit is unclear. Restrictions on the ownership of an item is determined only by the ability of the individual. As a result, the strong who it was he who can master any items. While the weak are eliminated. This is what led to the emergence of human exploitation of other humans.
As a result, economic collapse is happening now is actually very clear that the source-secular capitalist system itself is liberalizing the economy sector. Islam there is no contribution at all in such economic damage. Indeed Islam offers solutions for solving that problem.
Only, the Islamic economic system would be able to provide welfare people, both Muslim and non-Muslims under the Caliphate
countries that practice Islam are kaffah.
Paris Muslims Offered Barak Used To Stop Praying on the Road
"Prayer on the road is something that is unacceptable," said Guéant AFP news agency, insisted that it was contrary to the principles of the secular French state. "This must be stopped."
Muslims have been praying in public in two streets in Jl. Paris's 18th arrondissement - rues Myrha and Polonceau - at some time due to local mosques could not accommodate the pilgrims.
Efforts to ban prayer in the road is proposed and supported by right wing groups and Islamophobia, to regulate street party, sausage and wine, which is prohibited by the city government but gave birth to copycat incidents elsewhere. Marine National Front leader Le Pen reveals controversy last December when he compared it with the German occupation in World War II.
French Muslim leaders have visited the former barracks in the same district and agrees that this is appropriate, according to Guéant, it will be ready for use on 16 September.
The announcement that the practice of praying in the streets should be terminated will be conducted during the fasting month of Ramadan, he said.
Measures taken to find the same solution in the second city of France, Marseille, where the prayers in the street have also been reported. [] RFI /
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